Our Process

Boring brown shoes have dominated the causal shoe landscape for far too long. There's also the notion that shoes with designs or patterns are meant for occasional wear and thus little attention is paid to the comfort and fit. FROATS is here to change all of that. There's no good reason aesthetics and quality can't exist in equal parts.
You can have your cake and eat it too.

Each component of our shoes are hand selected from a rolodex of choices. We individually choose every leather we use and we make every pair of FROATS with the intent that you'll wear these all day, every day. In addition to the leather, we meticulously select stitching thread, eyelets, laces, rubber outsoles, and of course, the soft latex insoles that provide a delightful cushion for your hard working feet. We are involved in every step of the process. We develop, test, and tweak every style we create until it meets our standards.

Our designs are also developed in a very careful manner. From daily inspiration, riffing on classics, and recognizing current trends, we blend designs and themes in a deliberate manner to produce gorgeous patterns that will look great for years to come. Our printing process is our secret sauce and something that has taken blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish consistently every time. We print our patterns in Baltimore and we handle every piece of leather ourselves.

The Hammerheads